Water Well 2: Uganda 2018

I (Aaron) visited the Masaka region of Uganda in August 2018 with a team invited to conduct a training conference for hundreds of men in the region. While there we painted a school and orphanage in the area. The elaborate rooftop rain collecting system at the orphanage caught my eye. I learned that several times a year they ran out of water and had to walk about 2 miles to bring water back from the spring.

When we walked to the “spring” it turned out to be a swampy mudhole. I asked more questions and learned that whenever they drank this dirty water, kids were sick more and absentee rates at school were higher. I found out from the ministry founder that he had been planning a well for sometime and had already chosen a contractor to do it. The “huge pricetag” of $6000 had put the project on hold. At that point I had $2000 USD in our well account and I immediately pledged it. The other $4000 USD came in very quickly (I’m not sure how) and within 3 months the well was successfully completed!

Now they are getting 10,000 liters of clear clean water per day. This benefits over 600 children in the school (of which 60 live fulltime in the orphanage). About 555 additional people in the village are provided water as well.

Watch a 15 second video of a 15 year old girl from the school telling her story:

Ssempa Peter and his wife Ruth, the orphanage and school directors, tell us:

  1. Water borne related disease has reduced in the whole community
  2. Academic performance has increased since children no longer need to leave class to go to swamps to collect water for their school
  3. Accidents on the roads are reduced since children no longer walk long distances to collect water
  4. Incomes have increased as the plentiful water is used to make bricks to sell
  5. The trade school currently under construction is being built exclusively with bricks constructed with the water the well supplies. This trade school is a key to the future economic development in the village.

Isn’t it amazing what a simple $2000 act of kindness can do? And remember this gift was actually made up of dozens of smaller gifts. Many of us together changed the course of an entire community! I am hooked on encouraging generosity in each of you in order that we can enjoy how good it feels to be doing something truly significant with our lives!